Here are a few of the last batch of some 30 cocktail hats I made for the opening number, very quick shapes covered and trimmed with flowers, net and glitter sticks.
I also made some boys' calypso style shirts, those damned neon frills almost blinded me!
I was making this late at night in the week prior to the show, as usual I put off making these till the last minute because I knew exactly what was required and thought I could run them up quickly ! I didn't count on being ill or the extreme hot conditions being such a problem, did I?
There were also 11 clown dresses and one clown shirt required, with pink net "buttons" on the front.
Nevertheless, I completed all the required work and delivered it on time to the theatre. These costumes joined the other pieces made throughout the year for the Studio, and of course lots of my previous work from the past 10 years was also used throughout the 4 hour marathon show. I felt extremely proud to see all that work up on stage.